What is this Podcast All About?
And if you’ve ever felt hopeless and dragged down by dead-end relationships, addiction or crushing debt or just the disappointments of everyday life, then this show is for you.
You CAN get free from your “STUFF”— you just need to change where you’re putting your attention—from the stuff to the stuff BEHIND the stuff.
So if you’re ready to stop wasting so much time, either looking for things, moving things around or buying more of the same things, then you’re about to have a breakthrough.
In this podcast, The Most Organized Man in America, Andrew Mellen, will demystify how to get started and organize your world. Andrew hands you the keys to unlock the power to stop clutter from robbing you of your precious time, freedom and joy in your life.

Listen & Subscribe to Andrew Mellen’s Podcast
Declutter Your Life: Reclaim Your Time & Freedom

If you’re overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, exhausted, and sick and tired of the clutter in your life, maybe it’s time to do something about it.
And if you’ve ever felt hopeless and dragged down by dead-end relationships, addiction, crushing debt or just the disappointments of everyday life, then this show is for you.
In this podcast, The Most Organized Man in America, Andrew Mellen, will demystify how to get started and organize your world. Andrew hands you the keys to unlock the power to stop clutter from robbing you of your precious time, freedom and joy in your life.
In this podcast episode,Andrew Mellen invites you to join him on an inspiring journey with Dr. John McDougall, a renowned nutrition expert and author. Dr. McDougall unveils the hidden truths behind the dairy industry and exposes the profit-driven motives that shape dietary recommendations. You’ll learn about the incredible benefits of adopting a starch-based diet, emphasizing the importance of simplicity, and the natural inclination of humans towards consuming starches rather than dairy. Delve into the fascinating world of nutrition as Dr. McDougall shares his research findings and personal experiences that challenge long-standing beliefs about calcium requirements and bone health and plant-based journey towards vibrant health and overall well-being.
- A starch-based diet, such as rice or potatoes, has been shown to result in better health outcomes compared to diets rich in dairy and meat.
- Humans are not naturally designed to consume dairy, and over half the world’s population is intolerant to lactose.
- Osteoporosis is a result of excess acidity in the body caused by a high-protein and acidic Western diet.
- Historical and cultural factors have shaped dietary perceptions, leading to a bias towards animal foods and undervaluing starch-based diets.
- Climate change and personal experiences have reinforced the need for individual contributions through dietary changes.
- Changing our diet can reduce CO2 contributions by 80%, with the agri-animal agriculture industry playing a significant role in greenhouse gas emissions.
This podcast episode is a game-changer, providing you with the tools and knowledge to transform your health through the adoption of a starch-based diet. Remember, your health is in your hands, and by embracing the power of a starch-based diet, you have the ability to unlock your full potential and live a life of vitality and fulfillment.Tune in to this episode and discover the path to a healthier, happier you.

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Your time with Andrew begins with an in-depth assessment and ends with an organizational intervention—he’ll be with YOU personally by your side every step of the way. By the time Andrew leaves you’ll be less stressed, more relaxed, and ready to tackle the rest of your world with renewed energy and a plan to stay organized for life.

Meet Your Host – Andrew Mellen
Then I moved to the Upper Peninsula where I attended Northern Michigan University. If you’ve never been to the U.P., you really should visit. I’ve been to many parts of the world and Lake Superior and the north woods are pretty special.
I never thought I’d be a professional organizer, and truth told, organizing is the least of what I do at this point. I solve problems now more than anything else. And coach my clients. No offense to my colleagues (or monkeys), but a really smart chimp could probably arrange all the clothes in a closet from light to dark. And even more to the point, as much as I like nice things, and I do, I don’t really give a sh*t about stuff.
Which doesn’t mean that I won’t treat your stuff with respect.
What I mean is that stuff is not what we should be spending our precious time focusing on.
So while I can make you a pretty pantry with fancy labels on it, I’d much rather help you solve whatever problems are keeping you from living an amazing f**king life beyond your wildest dreams. Doesn’t that sound better than a perfectly organized linen closet?
So I’m a bit of an outlier in my industry.
I am passionate about life—mine and yours—and about making an impact. I believe we get one chance to be here and I don’t want to waste a minute of it, because I don’t know when it will end.
I love solving problems and finding the quickest route to any solution. Doing that for other people, both my clients and my friends and family, makes me very happy. And I’m really good at it.
I am incredibly tenacious and have ridiculous stamina so I can usually wear down just about any problem—I don’t often take no for an answer.
You should probably also know that I’m an introvert.
Yes, I know, I was an actor. I am very comfortable on a stage but crowds do not recharge me—they drain me. I’ll be super friendly if we meet in public but after a while I will crave being alone and resting and recharging.
So that’s some stuff about me.

If You Love Declutter Your Life
How to Subscribe to
Declutter Your Life: Reclaim Your Time & Freedom
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Click on ‘Write a Review’ button (you must be logged in to write a review).
Rate the podcast by selecting between 1 to 5 stars, leave a review, and click ‘Submit’. That’s it!
Your review will go through an approval process and can be viewed within 48 hours (if approved).
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Launch the “Podcasts” app on your device.
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Step 2
Tap the Podcasts app icon, and after it opens, tap the Search field at the top, or the little magnifying glass icon in the lower right corner:
Step 3
Type the name of the show you want to rate The Power of Breaking Fear into the search field, and press the Search button.
Step 4
In the search results, click on our show!
Step 5
Scroll down the page until you see Ratings & Reviews.
Step 6
Tap the purple “Write a Review” link:
Step 7
On the next screen, tap on the 5th star to the right. This is how you give the show a 5-star rating:

It is important to send our team a screenshot of your review. Please email it to support@declutteryourlifeshow.com and our team will verify it and enter you to WIN a chance in the Grand Prize Drawing for a once in a lifetime opportunity for a private VIP day with me.
Your review will go through an approval process and can be viewed within 48 hours (if approved).
Clients Rave About Andrew’s Work
Andrew’s ‘Wizard of Oz’ reference was also spot on—I literally found my ruby red Gucci slippers in the closet after he left.
He exudes deliciousness, generosity and a confidence which are contagious. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
My partner and I were stuck and the ONLY thing we could agree on was hiring Andrew.
His design and organizational talents, along with his sharp skills in diplomacy, got us back on track fast.
He addressed every element—windows, doors, shelving, storage, furniture, paint colors, flooring and trim. The result is visually stunning AND my partner and I are still together. We can’t thank him enough!
Our front parlor is finally a functional and productive part of the house for the first time in 10 years! Thanks to Andrew, I was able to get into action and start dealing with my clutter and indecision.
I wasn’t sure what working with Andrew would be like, but once we started, he helped me stay focused on the what, why, where and how of it all.
Best yet, we did it with detachment and more important, some humor—and now I can actually find and use my stuff again.
Do You Have a Question for Andrew?
You can leave a private, confidential message for him to answer your question in his own voice. He will send you his answer in a private voice recording.