In today’s episode, Andrew will help you let go of your bad habits and be mentally strong.
Most people who engage in addictive behaviours and go on to develop an actual addiction find that overcoming it is more challenging that they expected.

How To Let Go Of Stuff With Sentimental Value

Andrew cited that those unnecessary things should be pull out, drill down box by box, shelf by shelf, tub by tub, and figure out what is in there, and integrate things back into your life in a way that’s useful to you. There’s no point in beating up on yourself for what you’ve done in the past. Mistake has already been done. Instead of beating yourself up over it, think how you can start making things right. Fix the mistake before it’s too late or if it is too long ago then forgive yourself. You will feel better.
Quitting is a different experience for everyone. Some find the process empowering and feel they can achieve anything. Others find it painful, difficult, and frustrating. Andrew goes on to focus on the future. For new behaviours, new strategies, new systems to not have the past come into the present or into the future. There is always hope. Don’t control the things that are uncontrollable. Make a commitment to yourself to be selective with your battles because peace is everything.
A body at rest stays at rest. A body in motion stays in motion, take the first step got o the storage space start working, you will make the kind progress that you want to make. Only you can make it happen.

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